So now that your here at Risen King you might be wondering what do you do? How do you get involved and more importantly, how do you grow in your faith? These are all great questions, and they are part of your journey as you grow in relationship with God and others. We've developed a really powerful growth strategy for you that's designed to take you step by step to becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus that we call Growth Track. You can find out more below and register on our events page.
What is Partnership (Membership)?
The church is God’s plan for spreading the Gospel. Jesus did not say that he would build a publishing company, a worship band or a denomination…He said he would build his church. (Matthew 16:18). The local church is a community of believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord, organized under qualified leadership, gathering regularly for preaching worship, observing the biblical sacraments of baptism and communion, unified by the spirit and scattered to fulfill the great commission. (adapted from Mark Driscoll, Doctrine, p. 307)
Video Resources for Growth Track (Click the links below)
Belong: Pastor's Welcome
Believe: Session 1
Believe: Session 2
Requirements for Membership at Risen King Church
At the basic level, membership is a commitment to a local church, and part of a much larger commitment to Christ.
- Individuals shall be eligible for membership who give testimony and evidence of being born-again, who are living a consistent Christian life, who have been or who are seeking to be baptized by immersion and who are willing to support God’s work with their tithes and offerings and who whole-heartedly accept our Constitution and the Church By-Laws. (John 1:12, Romans 1:24-32, Romans 6:14, 13:13-14, Ephesians 4:17-32, Malachi 3:10).
- There’s a commitment to God. You’re affirming that you are indeed a Christian who is desiring to follow Jesus, and you’ve been baptized to publicly show your allegiance to Him.
- You’re committed to the mission of Risen King Church. You know our mission statement and you are playing an active part in leading people from where they are to where God wants them to be. This means you’re serving somewhere and you’re financially supporting the church.
- You are committed to growing in your faith. No matter how long you’ve been a Christian, there are still steps you can take to become more like Christ. As a member, you’re acknowledging that you’re taking an active role in the discipleship process – either through participation in a life Group, by taking classes, or by personal, spiritual disciplines.
Statement of Faith & Important Documents for Membership